Biafra: Enugu State Turns Ghost Town, Markets, Schools, Shops closed


Enugu state residents have observed the Sit At Home Order by the leadership of the Indigenous Peoples of Biafra (IPOB).

A visit to some of the busy areas in the state revealed massive compliance with the order.

In one of such areas like NOWAS – T.Junction, Nike Lake Road is deserted, shops, timber shade market along the axis closed.

Also, the area is often a no go area on Monday morning due to traffic gridlock and the significance of the road as an exit route to Northern Nigeria from the heart of Enugu state

In an interview, a resident of Enugu state who pleaded anonymity said he planned to go to work, but after spending over 45minutes between 7 am and 8 am this morning at the bus stop he has no option to place a call to his superiors and returns home.


However, at Abakpa Market, especially along with Texaco Filling station, some clubs bearing youths were seen mounting watch at the road. Tires we’re burnt and tables used to block connecting roads to Abakpa Market.

Meanwhile, it is worthy of mention that May 30th every year has been celebrated by the pro-Biafra agitators as a remembrance day for over 3million killed during the Biafra and Nigeria civil war.

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