Social Media And Ignored Opportunities 


“Change the narrative” That was the charge handed to Nigerian female journalists on Friday at a workshop on empowering women in the media.

Organized by Senema productions in collaboration with Taipei Trade Office.

Experts told participants that opportunities in the digital space in Nigeria have been largely untapped especially for impactful media engagement and successful business initiative.

The female journalists were advised to grab opportunities in the space to progress their career and for their financial independence.

The Lead Consultant for Senema Production (SP), Emmanuel Ohimokhare, said Women are celebrated in the month of march nationwide but people tend to focus on gender violence against women while ignoring how to make them financially independent.

 He told participants that people who key into new and emerging opportunities will continue to make progress and income from the media profession.

The keynote speaker and Social Media Expert, Esther Ilesanmi, said that social change journalism can affect the growth of media in Nigeria through audience engagement by covering stories that address pressing social Issues.

Ilesanmi who spoke on: “Harnessing the power of social change journalism and Digital Media for the growth of media businesses in Nigeria”. 

advised that trust should be built through involving in social change Journalism that focuses on providing an accurate and Impactful information about societal Issues.

According to her negative stories trend more than innovative stories because people like to hear bad stories.

She added however that what needs to be done is for media people to infiltrate the system with many more good stories so as to shape the narrative and ideologies of people.

Present at the workshop were; Managing Director of AIT Tosin Dokpesi, veterans journalists across the print and broadcast media among others.


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