Reps joins call for Pantami’s sack


Nigerians are increasingly calling for the resignation of the Minister of Communications and Digital Economy, Isa Pantami over his past controversial comments suggesting religious extremism.

The minority leader of the House of Representatives, Ndudi Elumelu on Wednesday joined a number of Nigerians calling for the removal of the Minister.

The lawmaker who raised the issue as a point of order citing a breach of his privilege noted that the Minister’s position is a sensitive one and therefore such comments should not be overlooked.

The Speaker of the House, Femi Gbajabiamila, however, overruled Elumelu, stating that the matter being raised had nothing to do with his privilege as a lawmaker.


The People’s Democratic Party, Human rights activists and social media users are also joining their voices for Pantami’s sack

In his response, Pantami has denied any links with the terrorist groups but admitted making controversial statements supporting the groups which he said was as a result of immaturity, and limited knowledge.


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