The Boko haram insurgency currently afflicting the country is a creation of the British colonialists who foisted the northern religious system on the entire country.

The former Minister of Education, Professor Ihechukwu Madubuike, stated this when he appeared on the Signaturetv-Show on Africa Independent Television, AIT.

He said the British colonialists created a system where monotheists like them would perpetually be in power, saying they imported the feeling of superiority of the Islamic religion of the north over the south from Sudan where it did not work.

Blaming Britain for the socio-political and economic problems bedeviling Nigeria, Professor Madubuike, said the colonial master, created Nigeria to fail as a nation. “Those who created Nigeria did not create it so that it could survive. If you read Lord Lugard’s book, you will find where he said that the British did not create Nigeria for the love of Nigeria’’.

According to him, the foundation of the country had been faulty, even the amalgamation. The British created Nigeria for Nigerians and for Britain, hence the name, the dual mandate.

‘’The dual  mandate is to create a country where they will consistently earn from and to leave a legacy or system in that country where those who are monotheists like them will be in power, even though they realize that they have tendencies to violence’’, he said.

Insisting that the country’s foundation had been faulty, Professor Madubuike, said that the first generation of politicians, Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe, Chief Obafemi Awolowo, and Alhaji Ahmadu Bello, and the early writers, Pius Okigbo, Chinua Achebe and Professor Wole Soyinka, wanted to set a philosophy of living for the country, but were unsuccessful.


Responding to a question on the topic, ‘’NIGERIA’S NATIONAL CONVERSATION: Who will bring back reason’’; the former minister in the regime of former President Shehu Shagari’s administration, said Nigeria had produced intellectuals and systems which when properly applied could save the country. He cited the case of Nigerian professional doing very well across the universe.

‘’I read recently that about 380,000 Nigerians are currently in the United States of America. And all of them are educated; indeed that ethnic Nigerians are the most educated in America. 4% of them has  doctorate degrees, 17% have masters degrees and 37% of them have the bachelors degree. Over 70% of all black doctors in America are Nigerians’’, he maintained.

He, therefore, appealed to the government to rescue the country from collapse and consider the call for restructuring as according to him, ‘’the country can remain united even if we have separate governments that allow the individual states or regions to manage its affairs in matters local without constraints’’.

You can watch a full text of the interview on



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