Celebration in Nasarawa as 84-year-old pastor marries 60-year-old woman


It was celebration galore in Gudi Town in Akwanga local government area of Nasarawa State when an octogenarian, Pastor Godiya Chunjama walked his heartthrob down the aisle to become his new wife.

Pastor Chunjama’s bride last Sunday at the Evangelical Reformed Church of Christ (ERCC), Gudi is no other person but 60-year-old Mrs Salomi Zauna.

Chunjama who had served the ERCC as a pastor in the vineyard of the Lord for 26 years had been widowed with the death of his first wife years ago. He, however, gave his children no rest in his continuous demand of having another partner in his life before he dies.

Against counsel from his kith and kin, the reverend gentleman remained adamant until he achieved his heart desires.

Eighty four years old Chunjama lost his first wife in May, 2018 and less than two years, he decided to take another woman to keep body and soul going.

With 10 children, five of them deceased and five alive, his new bride, also a widow has six children, he was exuding happiness when he received LEADERSHIP correspondent in his house in Gudi.

When asked if his children supported the marriage, he said they did and actually sponsored the whole processes.

Two of Chunjama’s children are retired from service. The eldest female daughter is a retired principal, while the second born, a male, is a retired director of health.

With a retinue of grown-up children and grandchildren who were also married, one would ask why must he marry at this  advanced age.

He said  that he re-married because his children insisted he should leave his ancestral home in Gudi, to another place which was alien to him and his culture.

According to him he can’t leave the home he built at his youthful age to a new place and be confined to staying in one place.

“My children wanted me to relocate from my community (Gudi) to Makurdi, to stay with my last born, and you know is not possible.

“If I go now who will take care of my house and community back home. I was made a top title holder and community leader (Wakilin Mada) recently.

“Secondly, they are taking me there to keep me in isolation, which is not possible. I am a community leader, I need to attend to my people every day.”

When asked of what he would do with a new child at his old age, he said if it is the will of God for him to have a son, he had no choice.

“Abraham was over 100 years when his wife Sarah, who was well over 90 years gave birth. So there is nothing God cannot do,” he said.

Of his children’s position about the marriage, the  84-year-old groom said, “They supported the idea and did everything possible for the marriage to hold. They paid the dowry and sponsored the church wedding.


“On the wedding day, they were all in the church and were dancing to the glory of God. You can see that they supported the wedding. Even if I die today, I am a happy man because my children allow me to do what I wanted. I am very happy and fulfilled.”

The 60-year-old new bride Salomi Zauna, is also a Mada by tribe from Akwanga local government area of the state.

She lost her first husband some years back and when the opportunity knocked, she accepted to marry a man she described as her father.

“He is a widower and I am a widow, so when he approached me, I prayed over it and God answered my prayer, so I decided to stay with him for the rest of my life.

“He is like a father to me. I will do my best to make him happy. He is loving and caring. We both love each other,” she said.

One of his children Mr Godiya Dauda Chunjama, 61, reacting to their support to the wedding said they could not do otherwise and allow him to do what was on his mind.

Mr Chunjama, a retired director of Primary Health Care, said there was nothing they could have done for their father at his age, than what he wanted.

“At his ripe age we wanted him to have rest, but he insisted he needed a helper. We had no option than to allow him achieve his heart desire, so that he can die a fulfilled man,” he said.

Pastor Chunjama, has been blessed with 30 grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren  and four  great-great grandchildren.



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