Coronavirus: man killed, eaten by crocodile after defying lockdown order


A man in Rwanda that ignored a national lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic has been reportedly killed and eaten by a crocodile.

Since Sunday, Rwanda and its 12 million people have been under direction from the government to remain at home to contain the spread of COVID-19.

There are currently 41 known cases of coronavirus in the African nation, the most cases in the region.
South Africa has the most in the continent with more than 400 cases.

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In all of Africa there are a total of 2,046 cases in 43 of its 54 countries.


According to the BBC, on Wednesday the unnamed Rwandan crocodile victim went fishing in the Nyabarongo River when the fatal incident happened.

“He had broken the stay-home rule,” Alice Kayitesi, the mayor of the southern Kamonyi district told the BBC.


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