I Will End Monday Sit-At-Home After Christmas Holidays, Soludo Declares


The Governor of Anambra state, Professor Charles Chukwuma Soludo has declared that he is going to end the ongoing compulsory stay-at-home on Mondays after the Christmas holidays.

Governor Soludo who made the declaration while addressing Anambra workers at the Secretariat complex, Awka, recently, said other geopolitical zones in Nigeria have five working days but it is only the Southeast geopolitical zone that people work just for four days because some disgruntled elements imposed a mandatory illegitimate Sit-At-Home on Mondays which he said is adversely affecting the economy of the zone.

Soludo said there is absolutely no cogent reason for Anambra people to Sit-At-Home on Mondays being the first working day of the week because somebody somewhere in Finland said so; describing it as sheer absurdity.

The governor said, ” What I promised Ndi-Anambra is to create a liveable and prosperous homeland. That is the mission. When we came in, 8 local governments were totally taken over by the criminals. But we said we must take back Anambra from the criminals. And I think so far the criminals know something is happening.

We are giving them hot chase in the bushes and forests where they camp. And recently someone in Finland said he declared 5 days Sit-At-Home in Southeast; it is only in Anambra state that there was no Sit-At-Home. And if you return from the Christmas holidays, we will stop that Monday Sit-At-Home.


We can’t continue that way. We lose one day in a week, productivity is down and so on and so forth. I know that several people have become used to working for only four days and they are happy about it but no, we will get back to work full scale; working five days in a week.

We must take back Anambra. We can not build Anambra to be that very prosperous homeland when we work for four days and when our children go to school for only four days. Other parts of the country go to school for five days while we go for only four days. We can not deliver the same thing when we have a public service that works for only four days. We must take back our state. Otherwise we are losing 20% each week. You can calculate what it means for the rest of the year.

We will take Anambra back because security, law and order must come back fully in Anambra state. The criminals must give way. They are nothing but kidnappers, kidnapping for ransom. They are not agitators. 100% of those arrested so far are Igbo people. It is Igbo people unleashing terror and mayhem on Igbo people but that must end in Anambra state. “


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