Shinkafi petitions US, UK, EU, other embassies to revoke Yari’s visa


The All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) 2019 Zamfara State governorship candidate, Sani Shinkafi, has petitioned the embassies of the United States of America (USA), the United Kingdom (UK) and European Union, requesting perpetual revocation of the travelling visa of former governor of Zamfara State over his alleged sponsorship of militia groups that have unleashed terror on the state in the last eight years.

In the letter copied to the embassies of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, Shinkafi claimed that Yari has been fueling the violence by inciting his supporters to destabilise the new administration in the state.

“I am writing to demand the prudential revocation visa of the former Governor of Zamfara State, Abdulaziz Yari for stoking the embers of violence, sponsoring kidnapping and other acts of terrorism against the citizens of Zamfara State,” the letter reads.

“The former governor since his ouster as the governor of the State has been heard making some unguarded and provocative statements inciting members of his faction of the All Progressives Congress(APC) to move against the state government, make the State insure and unsafe for citizens of the State.

“It is on record that about 8500 private militia popularly called Yansakai were recruited illegally by the past administration of Abdulaziz Yari in all the 17 Councils through the former commissioner without the Bill being passed by State House Assembly establishing the vigilante service group and assent by the Governor as a law governing recruitment and operations of Yansakai.

“It is still fresh in our memory and reported to security agencies the arrest, abduction, torture and killing of innocent citizens in the markets, streets, and with bodies lying on the streets and nobody could stop them from the jungle justice that went on in the whole of Zamfara State during the Yari led administration,” he added.

Shinkafi, the Secretary of the Board of Trustees of APGA, further noted that: “Abdulaziz Yari has been seen publicly inciting his factional APC members not to recognize the administration of Bello Muhammad Matawalle as the Executive Governor of Zamfara State but insisted that they called him a sole administrator.

“Severally, he has rejected the 24th May 2019 Judgment of the Supreme Court of Nigeria painting the eminent jurists of the Apex court with all kinds of names.

“There are weighty allegations that the former governor is planning with these unrepentant armed bandits to disrupt the peace accord in the state.

“The volunteer vigilante groups Yansakai loyal to Yari have refused to embrace the disarmament and arms control programme of the State government to augment the accord initiated by Governor Matawalle.

“There are intelligence reports that Yansakai recruited in Gummi had concluded plans to attack some Fulani settlements to ignite another security breach in the State and set the State on fire again.


“It is on record that the Zamfara State Police Command had on September 24, 2019, following intelligence reports that Boko Haram was planning to attack and bomb some places in the State like the Central Mosque Gusau, Maradum, Anka, Talata Marafa, Kauran Namoda and Tsafe and the planned assassination of the Deputy Governor and the Speaker of the State House of Assembly banned all forms of political rallies, meetings and processions in the state.

“However, in flagrant disregard to the subsisting order banning all forms of protests, in spite of the ban by the Zamfara State Police Command of political rallies, meetings and processions former Governor Abdulaziz Yari was recently heard recently inciting his supporters to revolt against the state government with the sole aim of making the state ungovernable for the Matawalle led government.

“The rule of law is incorporated in the 1999 constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as amended and its supremacy ensures that no person can claim to be above the law, he must obey it whether if he is rich, poor, the ruler or the ruled,” he added.

He stated that: “Former Governor Yari should be investigated and possibly prosecuted for a crime against humanity for the past eight years. It is still fresh in our memory that the former Governor Yari imported 1500 double-barred guns in order to arm vigilante groups in the State.

“Sources have revealed that the Federal Government ordered the seizure of the guns based on the alleged contradiction of Fire Arms Laws of Nigeria. Guns procurement is not one of the lawful duties of any State Government; also such action is unconstitutional and unlawful.

“I hereby request Your Excellency to as a matter of urgent National importance revoke the Visa issued to Abdulaziz Yari to avoid a situation whereby he would flee the country and run away from prosecution and possible imprisonment for crimes against humanity,” he alleged in the petition.


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