Sudan’s prime minister Hamdok survives car bomb


Sudan’s Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok has survived a car explosion targeting his convoy in the capital Khartoum, Sudanese media said.

Al Arabiya, quoting his wife, said her husband survived and was moved to a safe place.

There was no immediate reaction from the government. No one has claimed responsibility for the attack.

Hamdok was appointed Prime Minister last August, after pro-democracy protests forced the military to remove the government led by autocratic President Omar Al Bashir and replaced it with a civilian-led government.

Military generals remain the de facto rulers of the country and have shown little willingness to hand over power to the civilian-led administration.

Nearly a year after Al-Bashir’s ouster, the country faces a dire economic crisis.


Inflation stands at a staggering 60% and the unemployment rate was 22.1% in 2019, according to the International Monetary Fund.

The government has said that 30% of Sudan’s young people, who make up more than half of the over 42 million population, are without jobs.


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