We killed 250 Ansaru terrorists in Kaduna forest –Police


Police backed by helicopters reportedly killed 250  top members of the Ansaru terrorist group in an operation on Wednesday in Kuduru Forest, Birnin Gwari, Kaduna State.

The police said the officers stormed one of the largest operational camps of the Ansaru sect and successfully eliminated the terrorists.

Bandits and other criminals in the forest were also reportedly neutralised during the operation.

The Islamist terrorist group had claimed responsibility for the attack on the convoy of the Emir of Potiskum, Alhaji Umar Bubaram, along the Kaduna-Zaria highway, killing three of his aides and injuring many others in January.

The emir was on his way to Zaria on a tour of some traditional institutions in the North as part of preparations for the official inauguration of the Potiskum Central Mosque, Yobe, when the attack occurred.

The group’s last known attacks were in February 2013 when seven foreign nationals were kidnapped from a compound owned by the Lebanese construction company Setraco in Kano.


But the  Force spokesman, DCP Frank Mba, in a statement said the operation was carried out by the Operation Puff Adder officers.

He  said, “Special operatives of the Operation Puff Adder of the Nigeria Police backed by the Special Forces of the Police Airwing, in a daring offensive operation, stormed one of the largest operational camps of the Ansaru Terror Group (also housing other bandits and kidnappers) located in Kuduru Forest, Birnin Gwari, Kaduna State, and successfully neutralised over 250 high-profile members of the Ansaru terror group.”

Mba said the police Bell helicopter providing aerial and intelligence cover for the ground forces came under attack from bandits using anti-aircraft rifles and General Purpose Machine Guns.



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