US Senate acquits President Donald Trump


The  US Senate voted to acquit President Trump on two articles of impeachment  on  Wednesday

On the article of abuse of power, the Senate found the President not guilty by a vote of 52-48, with Republican Senator Mich Romney breaking ranks and joining the Democrats to vote guilty. On the article of obstruction of congress, the Senate found him not guilty by a vote of 53-47.

Regardless of today’s vote, Trump will remain impeached forever.

Similarly, former President Bill Clinton was impeached by the House but acquitted in his Senate trial. Trump has joined Clinton and President Andrew Johnson as the only three Presidents in US history who have been impeached.

Today’s acquittal brings nearly five months of the impeachment inquiry and trial that sprang forth from a whistleblower complaint over Trump’s comments to the President of Ukraine over the summer to an end.

But there could be more investigations to come: Democrats have vowed to continue investigating Trump and his administration, and that includes some unanswered questions that came up during this impeachment investigation.


A key development to watch is whether the Democratically-controlled House committees will subpoena former national security adviser John Bolton.

Bolton, who never testified during the House inquiry, said last month that he’d be willing to testify in the Senate trial if subpoenaed. The Senate voted against seeking witness testimony, but the House has said it’ll continue its investigations and kept the door open to calling Bolton to testify.


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